Nancy Ma's night monkey

The Nancy- Ma - Nachtaffe ( Aotus nancymaae ) is a primate of the group of night monkeys ( Aotidae ) within which it is counted for Rotkehl group. It is named after the zoologist Nancy Shui Fong Ma.


Nancy- Ma - night monkeys are like all night monkeys relatively small primates. You can reach the tail including a total length of an average of 64 centimeters, the tail is slightly longer than the body. The weight is 0.55 to 0.95 kg, the males are slightly heavier than the females. Their fur is gray brown on the top, the underside is reddish brown. The bushy tail ends in a black tip. The rounded head is characterized as with all night monkeys by the big brown eyes that are surrounded by white boxes. Between the eyes runs a black stripe that widens triangular on the forehead, along the temples and cheeks are two more black stripes.

Distribution and habitat

Nancy- Ma - night monkeys live in western South America. Its distribution area covers the western Brazil and eastern Peru, and is bounded on the north by Amazon. Their habitat is tropical rainforests, where they prefer seasonally flooded regions.

Way of life

Like all night monkeys they are nocturnal and usually stay up in the trees. There, they move away on all fours and jumping. They prefer to sleep during the day back in the hollows of trees or plants thickets.

They live in monogamous family groups of two to five animals, which consist of one male, one female and the common offspring. The partners often remain together for years. There are territorial animals, their territories comprise approximately 9 acres. Compared with other dogs they mark their territories with sounds and defend it if necessary.

The food of these animals consists mainly of fruits. To a lesser extent they take flowers and other parts of plants and insects to him.

After an approximately 133- day gestation, the female gives birth to usually one, rarely two pups. Mainly the fathers take care of the offspring. Wear it and bring it to the mothers only to suckle.


In some regions, Nancy- Ma - night monkeys are threatened by habitat destruction and hunting, overall they are not at risk, according to IUCN.
