Nasal septum

The nasal septum (Latin septum nasi, German thus often nasal septum ) is the medium-sized partition of the nose. It consists of the membranous membranous, the nasal septum cartilage ( cartilage of the septum nasi ), an upper bony portion of the ethmoid bone ( perpendicular lamina ossis ethmoid ) and a lower bony portion, the vomer ( vomer ). In the front part of the nasal septum is a blood vessel plexus, the locus Kiesselbachi.

The nasal septum forms the boundary of the two nasal cavities. It is located medially in the nasal cavity and may deviate more or less from the center line. In the area of transition between the nose cartilage and vomer septum nasi is thickened, which can lead to obstruction of nasal breathing, especially in adults. The nasal septum is located in a bony guide trough of the upper jaw.


With Hemorrhage in the nasal septum, eg following a nasal bone fracture, a septal hematoma forms. In a blow to the nose of the cartilaginous part of the nasal septum can from his bony guide trough slide out ( subluxation ).

A deviation from the midline ( lateral displacement, deformation) is called a deviated septum ( deviated septum ). It occurs in many people and usually leads to asymmetric flow conditions in both nasal halves by inhalation and sounds when exhaling. This means possibly a nasal obstruction and snoring can position-dependent increase massively. A surgical correction is uncomplicated.
