Nashua (New Hampshire)

Hillsborough County


Nashua is a city in Hillsborough County ( New Hampshire ) in the United States.

According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the city has 86 494 inhabitants. In 2000 lived in Nashua still 86 605 inhabitants. Nevertheless, it remains the second largest city in New Hampshire to Manchester.


The city is connected by U.S. Highway 3 with Manchester and Concord in the north and in the south of Boston.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Henry Aristide Boucher, politician and former Lieutenant Governor of Alaska
  • Mark Fayne, ice hockey player
  • Jeff Giuliano, hockey player
  • Judd Gregg, U.S. Senator for New Hampshire, Committee Chairman of the United States Senate Committee on the Budget
  • Randy Harrison, actor
  • Ray LaMontagne, folk songwriter
  • Paul Levesque, professional wrestler who had H celebrated his greatest successes under the name Hunter Hearst Helmsley or Triple ( or short- HHH)
  • Alvin Lucier, composer of new music, minimal music and sound experimentation
  • Mandy Moore, pop singer and actress
  • Antoni Naumczyk, Polish Catholic priest, professor of the Polish Catholic Church, Vicar General and peace activist
  • Walter R. Peterson, politician and former Governor of New Hampshire
  • Shepard Stone, journalist, historian, diplomat and founder of the Berlin Aspen Institute, an honorary citizen of Berlin
  • Place in New Hampshire
  • Location in North America
  • Hillsborough County ( New Hampshire)
  • County Seat in New Hampshire