Nasser Garten

Nasser garden was located from Haberberg a district of Königsberg ( Prussia), south of the Old Pregel and west. He is now called Russian Portowoje and is located in Moscow Rajon, a municipality in the south of Kaliningrad, the capital of the Oblast Kaliningrad ( Königsberg area ).


The name refers to a flood plain at the bottom Pregel, as well as the nearby neighborhood Ponarth.


The Wet Garden belonged first to Haberberg, a village with 24 farmers, which was awarded in 1522 by Margrave Albert the inhabitants of the Kneiphofs. At the end of the Haber mountain was the " Old Garden " or "Dry Garden ", and a mound of it separated the " Wet garden ". So-called gardens have already been created by the Order. There were no ornamental or fruit gardens, but here smallholders were recognized in the garden villages. Their property included a free apartment or a Kate and approximately two to three acres of fields, so the gardener had to accept all of which lends itself to services in order to feed themselves and their families. They were " wage gardener ", "bad gardener ", " Losmänner " or " residents " called and were later replaced by the Instleute.

The Wet garden every spring was under water and had to be pumped out with driven by horses scooping mills. 1807 were the French before Königsberg and General Ruchel let burn the wet garden.
