
As (Pro) Natalismus (Latin per, " for" and natalis " geburtlich, birth " ) is a philosophy that advocates human reproduction. The opposite of pronatalism is the Antinatalismus.

Pronatalism in religion

Herwig Birg observed that almost all world religions advocate the pronatalism. This can be explained by the fact that religious movements whose biographical signposts of human reproduction indifferent or even hostile to survive, produce compared to birth -promoting religions fewer children and hardly appeal to large families. But the religious socialization begins in childhood and religiously socialized children proven their faith in adulthood rather keep, these currents will be stronger if only for demographic reasons. Religions, however, are antinatalistisch - such as the Shakertum - are threatened with extinction.

Pronatalism in politics

Some states adopt a pro-natalist policy in order to prevent shrinkage of the population or to increase the growth of the population. This includes about France ( Médaille de la Famille ).

A study by the Robert Bosch Foundation also went to the question of how a pro-natalist policy in Germany could have success. It was found that many children parents especially wanted more money, parents with only one child, however, wished for better care facilities. Low-skilled workers were in especially for more financial support. Highly qualified people want above all a better childcare. The single-parent families have a higher expectation principle of family policy and want more help. According to the study pro-natalist measures could be quite successful:

Selfish Natalismus

As selfish Natalismus it is referred to when it arrives a person especially on their reproduction, even if this impedes the reproduction of other people might. Such a case may lay before Dr. Cecil Jacobson, the women with his own sperm, fertilized with the place of her husband.
