National Alliance (United States)

The National Alliance is a far-right racist organization in the United States. It was founded by William L. Pierce and is located in Hillsboro.


The organization was founded in 1967 by former physics professor and author of the Turner Diaries Dr William Luther Pierce. The following year, the first members were accepted and deployed first political activities with the distribution of leaflets. 1970, the National Alliance merged with the National Youth Alliance ( NYA ) by Willis Carto. While NYA dissolved in 1974, the National Alliance was reorganized, which is considered by the current organization than actual foundation.

Pierce was able over time to take control of Attack! to obtain, the newspaper of the National Youth Alliance, later the National Alliance. The National Vanguard renamed newspaper was published from 1982 onwards in the form of a magazine.

When Pierce died of cancer in 2002, Erich Gliebe took over the presidency of the organization, which he still holds today.

In April 2005, there were internal disputes, intra-organization which resulted in Kevin Alfred Storm, Gliebes rival, the National Alliance left with a handful of supporters and their own organization called National Vanguard founded, but this was resolved in March 2007 again (forcibly ).

In 2011 " Love your race " stickers were glued under the heading, which were provided with an address in Hillsboro (West Virginia)

Political ideas

The organization works in his own words, among other things for an "Aryan society," a "responsible government," and an "economic policy based on racial principles " one. To this end, it aims at the spatial and political segregation or separation of ethnic groups on the territory of the United States.

In the eyes of its critics represents the National Alliance neo- Nazi, racist and anti-Semitic views. So Abraham Lincoln is widely criticized and put Bolshevism with Judaism in conjunction.

International Contacts

1999 fled the neo-Nazi sought in Germany Hendrik Mobus to Pierce and was taken from him.

The organization maintains international contacts with different parties and organizations, including the German NPD, the British BNP and the Greek Patriotic Alliance (Greek: Πατριωτική Συμμαχία ). For the launch of the magazine Resistance Hellas - Antepithesi the Golden Dawn has worked with the National Alliance.
