National Autonomist Party

The Partido Nacional Autonomous Paulista ( PAN) was an Argentine conservative-liberal party, which was permanently 1874-1916 in power. It was founded in 1874 as a merger of the parties Partido Partido Nacional and Autonomous Ista.

Party Profile

The PAN represented the interests of the upper class and was instrumental in the so-called modelo agroexportador, which relied on the export of raw materials from agriculture and Argentina gave an economic growth spurt that made it to the early 20th century to one of the richest countries in the world.

In contrast to the positive meaning of its policy for the country's economy was on disability policy development by the Party for authoritarian power structures. With the help of the so-called electoral máquina which implied a slogan numerous election fraud mechanisms, the party held the opposition, which was at that time mainly represented by the Unión Cívica Radical, by the power away. It is also the most famous politicians of the party, the General Julio Argentino Roca, who is responsible for the genocide of the Mapuche and Tehuelche Indians around 1880, which is officially designated as wilderness campaign ( campaña del desierto ).

After the riots in 1890 a intra-party opposition movement in the PAN, the arguing for a gradual democratization emerged. This included, inter alia, Carlos Pellegrini and Roque Sáenz Peña on. Sáenz Peña 1912 could prevail against the resistance of conservatives as president of the first final democratization by introducing a free, secret and compulsory elections for all male citizens. Women's suffrage was introduced in the 1940s under Juan Perón.

The opposition UCR was able to prevail early in the first elections after the election law change. As a result, the party drifted into obscurity and was disbanded after a short time.


The next president of Argentina belonged to the PAN to:

  • Nicolás Avellaneda (1874 - 1880)
  • Julio Argentino Roca (1880-1886, 1898-1904)
  • Miguel Juárez Celman (1886-1890)
  • Carlos Pellegrini (1890-1892)
  • Luis Sáenz Peña (1892-1895)
  • José Evaristo Uriburu (1895-1898)
  • Manuel Quintana (1904-1906)
  • José Figueroa Alcorta (1906-1910)
  • Roque Sáenz Peña (1910-1914)
  • Victorino de la Plaza (1914-1916)