National Company for Rail Transport

The Société Nationale des Transports Ferroviaires algériens (abbreviation SNTF ) to German National Railway transport Algerian society, the state railway company of Algeria. SNTF has a monopoly on rail transport in Algeria.


The history of the Algerian railway begins with the colonization of the country by France.

SNTF was posted on March 25, 1976 along with two other companies, the Société nationale du chargée renouvellement et de l' extension du réseau ( SNERIF ) for the construction and expansion of the railway infrastructure and the Société d' engineering et de réalisation d' infrastructures ferroviaires (SIF ) established for their care and modernization of the railway. However, the two additional companies were later on in the SNTF. SNTF has a monopoly on rail operations in Algeria.

2005 was the Agence nationale d' études et de suivi de la réalisation of investissements ferroviaires ( ANESRIF on German national agency for the development and implementation of rail projects ).

Route network

SNTF manages a route network of two gauges, which is partly electrified:


SNTF has:

  • 222 locomotives
  • 440 passenger cars
  • 9855 freight wagons


SNTF is represented in the following organizations:

  • African Union of Railways
  • Arab Union of Railways
  • International Union of Railways ( UIC)
  • Maghrebinisches Rail Transport Committee ( CTFM ) ( The organization is based in Algeria)