National Council of Resistance of Iran

The National Council of Resistance of Iran ( NCRI short, Persian شورای ملی مقاومت ایران Schoraye Melli -e Iran -e- Moghawemat ) is a company incorporated by Abolhassan Banisadr and Massoud Rajavi in Paris in 1981 Iranian resistance movement, which claims to be the end of the theocratic government Iran has set itself the goal. While she describes herself as a " parliament in exile of the Iranian Resistance ," the Federal Intelligence Service sees it as a front organization of the largest militant resistance group in Iran, the Volksmodschahedin ( Mujahedin -e Khalq ).

Parliament in exile

The NCRI as an exile parliament has 550 members, including representatives of ethnic and religious minorities such as Kurds, Baluchis, Jews and Zoroastrians, and represents a broad spectrum of political tendencies in Iran. As a parliament in exile agierend the NCRI aims to establish a democratic and secular coalition government in Iran. Women make up 50 % of its members. NCRI consists of five organizations, including the Organization of Volksmodschahedin Iran.


In August 1993, the NCRI unanimously elected Maryam Rajavi as President for the transitional period after the fall of the mullahs. In an address to 15,000 Iranians in Dortmund on 16 June 1995 in Germany, Mrs. Rajavi announced the Charter of fundamental freedoms for the future of Iran.

Political assessment

Both organizations move ideologically in the field of Islamic socialism and were supported by the government of Saddam Hussein. The United States recognize the NCRI only since the war in Iraq as a terrorist organization and have their Washington office closed in October 2003. The EU Council considered in a taken on 28 June 2007 decision, the classification of Volksmodschahedin including her in 2003 in Iraq ( "Camp Ashraf " ) disarmed the military arm of the NLA as a terrorist organization. " The NCRI was from listing - still specifically excluded - as in all previous decisions by the European Council. " To the NCRI are in Germany about 900 members.

" The Paris Court of Appeal lifted on 16 June 2006, the sentence imposed in connection with the police search of the NCRI 's European headquarters and the arrest of Maryam Rajavi and senior NCRI officials in Auvers sur Oise, near Paris, June 17, 2003 in travel and communication restrictions on largely. The seized as part of that police action cash the organization of approximately nine million U.S. dollars remain but further confiscated. "


In view of the classification of the People's Mujahedin (abbreviation: MEK) as a terrorist organization held a central demonstration in Brussels on 13 May 2002. The demonstrators were " recruited by the MEK world. The number of participants was 2,000, however, far below published by the MEK figure of 20,000 people. On June 21, marched about 4000 supporters of the MEK and its political wing, the NCRI, on the same subject before the Danish Parliament in Copenhagen. "

On 27 June 2008 tens of thousands of supporters of the National Council of Resistance demonstrated in Paris for a regime change in Iran. According to the spokesperson of the National Council of Resistance, Shahin Gobadi, 70,000 people from all over the world attended the rally in Villepinte. To have been approached with buses as " Jubelperser " part several thousand living in Germany exile Russians and Ukrainians exiled to this event.

Associated Organisations

According to the Federal Office for the Protection of the NCRI in Germany uses associations to carry out propaganda and financial activities. Club members gather on the street donations for their organization. At the clubs, of which the NCRI uses the Constitution Protection Report 2008, include

  • Human Rights Centre for exile Iranians eV ( MEI) Dusseldorf
  • Human Rights Association for Migrants e.V., Aachen
  • Relief and Works Agency for Human Rights in Iran eV ( HMI), Dortmund
  • Association for Human and freedom of association ( VMF ), Troisdorf
  • Association of hope for the future eV ( VHdZ ), Berlin

The German Central Institute for Social Issues ( DZI) specifically warns against donations to the clubs:

  • Human Rights Association for Migrants e.V., Aachen
  • Association of hope for the future eV ( VHdZ ), Berlin

In addition, the Association for hope for the future eV ( VHdZ ) of the Supervisory and Service Directorate ( ADD) in Trier, was in Rhineland -Palatinate competent authority for supervising the collection law, collecting donations and raising funds for sustaining members in Rhineland -Palatinate prohibited. The club have, without possessing the requisite permission collection, especially through personal home visits donations collected. Also, could " be of suitable use of the collection yield can not be found ".


The National Council of Resistance took to the BFV position report, and walked away from that " lies that are spread by the Iranian regime on the organization and also the organization of the People's Mojahedin Organization would also copied by the intelligence in their reports. "

In a legal opinion at the request of National Council of Resistance of Iran, Representation in Germany (Berlin), exile - Iranian Society in Berlin, Human Rights Association for Migrants Association and Association of hope for the future eV ( VHdZ ) is the former Vice President of the Federal Constitutional Court, Winfried Hassemer to the conclusion that the representations of the organizations in the protection of the constitution reports of the federal and state governments run the risk " of fundamental rights in their fundamental rights [ ... to freedom of expression and freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of association and their fundamental right ... ] to a rule of law, fair trial without violating constitutional justification. [ ... ] Whether this risk have already been realized in concrete terms of violations of fundamental rights, in the context of a legal opinion can not be decided. "

The Society for Threatened Peoples distanced himself in November 2008 by a joint meeting with the National Council of Resistance of Iran, because they do not " over ideology. Methods and structure of the Iranian Volksmudjahedin who hide behind this advice " was informed.
