National Fascist Party

The National Fascist Party ( Italian: Partito Nazionale Fascista, PNF) was an Italian political party founded by Benito Mussolini in order to give political expression to its ideology of fascism.

She had the character of a leader of the party and is still the only party whose reestablishment expressly prohibits the Italian Constitution.


Due to the party's founding on November 7, 1921 in Rome the conversion, also launched by Mussolini paramilitary Fasci di Combattimento in a broader political union was consummated. The main task of the PNF was to give people closer to Mussolini's ideology and to inspire them for fascism. Mussolini used the party during his march on Rome on 28 October 1922 as the effective pressure means to come to power. After massive changes in the electoral laws by the so-called " Acerbo Law " won the PNF clearly the most controversial elections in April 1924. From 1928 onwards, the only approved PNF Party of Italy, which did not change until 1943 was by law. The party was dissolved after the arrest of Mussolini and his initiated by Dino Grandi deposition in the Fascist Grand Council on 24 July 1943 and officially banned on 27 July by the government Pietro Badoglio.

After the liberation of Mussolini ( "Company Oak " ) in September 1943, the German Empire, built in the occupied by the Wehrmacht areas of northern Italy a puppet state, the Italian Social Republic ( " Republic of Salò " ), in which then the party on 13 September, the Republican Fascist Party ( Partito Fascista Repubblicano, PFR ) was revived. Party chairman was Alessandro Pavolini, State and Head of Government Benito Mussolini. With the assassination of Mussolini by the Resistance and the dissolution of the Republic of Salò, the PFR disappeared in April 1945.

Secretary of the National Fascist Party

  • Michele Bianchi ( November 1921-January 1923 )
  • Triumvirate: Michele Bianchi, Nicola Sansanelli, Giuseppe Bastianini ( January 1923-October 1923 )
  • Francesco Giunta (October 15, 1923 to April 22, 1924 )
  • Quattuorvirat: Roberto Forges Alessandra, Cesare Rossi, Giovanni Marinelli, Alessandro Melchiorri (April 23, 1924 to February 15, 1925 )
  • Roberto Farinacci (February 15, 1925 to March 30, 1926 )
  • Augusto Turati (March 30, 1926 to October 7, 1930 )
  • Giovanni Giuriati ( October 1930-December 1931 )
  • Achille Starace ( December 1931 to 31 October 1939)
  • Ettore Muti (October 31, 1939 to October 30, 1940 )
  • Adelchi Serena (October 30, 1940 to December 26, 1941 )
  • Aldo Vidussoni (December 26, 1941 to April 19, 1943 )
  • Carlo Scorza (April 19, 1943 to July 25, 1943 )