National Marine Aquarium of Namibia

Display in the aquarium

The National Maritime Aquarium of Namibia (English The National Marine Aquarium of Namibia ) is the only public aquarium in the southwest African country of Namibia. It is located directly on the Atlantic Ocean in Swakopmund.

The aquarium was built in the 1990s by the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources.

All basins are supplied through a filter system with sea water from the Atlantic Ocean. The largest basin covers 320,000 liters, is 12 meters long and eight meters wide. It is crossed by a tunnel, which is considered as a special attraction, since sharks and rays can be seen.

The aquarium is was completely renovated from early 2010 to late 2012.


It is home to fish and other marine species that are typical of the Namibian waters of the cold Benguela Current, including galjoen ( Dichistius capensis ), steenbras ( Lithognathus lithognathus ) and sand sharks ( Odontaspididae ) and green turtles (Chelonia mydas).

Websites and sources

  • The National Marine Aquarium of Namibia, on (English)
  • National Marine Aquarium, Lonely Planet (English)

- 22.6847314.52266Koordinaten: 22 ° 41 ' 5 " S, 14 ° 31' 22" E

  • Swakopmund
  • Display aquarium
  • Built in the 1990s