National Progressive Unionist Party

The National Progressive Unionist Coalition Party - (Arabic حزب التجمع الوطني التقدمي الوحدوي, DMG Hizb at- taǧammu ʿ al - Watani al - at- taqaddumī waḥdawī, commonly referred to as Tagammu ) is a socialist party in Egypt.

The left- wing party, was founded in 1976 at the end of one-party rule, from the left wing of the Arab Socialist Union. It is referred to as a defender of the principles of the Egyptian Revolution of 1952. She pursued a Marxist course and refers to the fact that it opposes the attempts that make the social gains of the 1952 revolution for workers, the poor and other low-wage earners reversed.

The National Progressive Unionist Coalition Party - has a total of 150,000 members and publishes the weekly newspaper " Al- Ahali " and published monthly party book " Al Ahali ".

They boycotted the first presidential election in 2005. 's Parliamentary elections in November 2010, the party won a further 5 of the 518 parliamentary seats in the People's Assembly.

The party leadership consists of Khaled Mohieddin, the party founder, former chairman and member of the Egyptian Revolutionary Command Council, as well as Mohamed Refaat El- Saeed, the current chairman.


  • Tagamoa Party by the Egyptian State Information Service
  • Al- Ahaly - Official Newspaper of the National Progressive Unionist Coalition Party.