National Radical Camp (1993)

The National radicals bearing (Polish: Obóz Narodowo - Radykalny ) is a right organization in Poland that continues in the tradition of a same right party in the interwar period. The organization was founded in 1993 and registered in 2003 as an association. The ONR is one in Poland is estimated that at least 1,000 members and many supporters who organize themselves into regional associations. ONR vertretet a patriotic and Catholic point of view, so it is inconvenient for the Polish post-communists ( SLD) and main political parties, which they recognize as a threat to their interests.


ONR actions are often criticized or even viewed by the public prosecutor as Delegalisierungsgrund. For example, participation in anti- gay violence during the Gay Pride Parade in Warsaw and Poznan in 2005 and 2006 ..


  • Nationalism
  • Policy ( Poland)