National Right

The Nuovo Movimento Sociale Italiano - Destra Nazionale ( in German: New Italian Social Movement - National rights ) is a far-right Italian party, which had been founded on 12 July 2000 by Gaetano Saya in Florence.

On 1 September 2003, the party took over the icon of the Movimento Sociale Italiano by Giorgio Almirante be publicly identified by the political legacy of the post-fascist party.


Currently, the party that claims to be, engaged in the construction of ten civil defense commands. The targeted total command strength to approximately 1,000 men and amount to be used in emergencies such as floods or earthquakes, but also against leftist protesters (for example, participants of the G8 summit in Genoa).

The chairman and founder of the Nuovo MSI, Gaetano Saya, was indicted in November 2004 for his political statements on the homepage for propaganda of ideas (see also hate speech ) based on racial hatred and racial superiority. In return, Saya refunded against the accusatory leading Milan prosecutor and against police officers involved display of forgery, defamation and other offenses against his person ( including the use of force or intimidation of a politician ).

To date, has not been adjudicated in this matter. In the meantime, the home of the party was moved to a U.S. server at the direction of Saya. The commentary by Saya: In Italia vige un regime, protetto as casta di una Intoccabili, " la Magistratura rossa " ( German: there is a system protected by a caste of untouchables, " the red judges " in Italy ).

Election results
