National roads in Poland

Droga Krajowa ( German: State Street ) referred to in Poland both a type of road and a road type ( highway outside built-up areas ).

Road category

The type of road is operated by the Polish government and the agencies under government " General Directorate for National Roads and Highways " (Polish: Generalna Dyrekcja Drog Krajowych i Autostrad; GDDKiA ) managed. Excluded are municipalities in which the national road are managed by the respective city.

The road category includes the following road types:

  • Motorways ( Abbreviation: A; Polish: autostrady )
  • Highways ( Abbr: S; poln: drogi ekspresowe )
  • Main roads with accelerated transport ( Abbr: GP; poln: drogi Główne ruchu przyspieszonego )
  • Major roads (sometimes, abbreviated to G; poln: drogi Główne )

Next to the road category " Droga Krajowa " there is the " Droga wojewódzka ", the " Droga powiatowa " and " Droga Gminna ". The road category " Droga wojewódzka " is managed by a province, the " Droga powiatowa " of a ( rural) district and the " Droga Gminna " of a city or rural community.

Road type

The Droga Krajowa ( German: country road, from: droga pl - road / street and pl kraj - country within the meaning of State; plural: .. Drogi krajowe ) is a type of road in Poland and is the main road network. The main road serving the domestic and international traffic. Matured they are partly like main roads, partly mehrspurig as motorway-like roads, dual carriageways.

The road type is usually abbreviated with the letters DK, but bears no shortcut in the flag. There, a white number on a red background can be seen. The signage on the country's roads has a green background with white letters.

The current numbering is from 9 May 2001. There are a total of 93 state roads, the numbers from 1 to 94 ( # 89 missing).

The longest country road is the Droga Krajowa 8 with about 811 km, the shortest forms the Droga Krajowa 85 with 4.774 km.

The total length of the national road network is 18,368 km.

List of state roads

Besides the A1, A2, A4, A6, A8 and A18 and motorways in Poland there are a functioning network of 93 so-called state roads.

Droga Krajowa 1 - 10

Droga Krajowa 11 - 20

Droga Krajowa 21 - 30

Droga Krajowa 31 - 40

Droga Krajowa 41-50

Droga Krajowa 51-60

Droga Krajowa 61-70

Droga Krajowa 71-80

Droga Krajowa 81-90

Droga Krajowa 91-98


The national road 8 at Bardo in Lower Silesia

Country road 1 in Częstochowa
