National Security Strategy (United States)

The National Security Strategy ( German National Security Strategy) provides a report and an action statement of the Federal Government of the United States to the security policy of the country represents the development of such a strategy is mandatory for every government to Congress since 1986.

The purpose of the National Security Strategy is according to the basic doctrine of the United States Air Force, " to guarantee the sovereignty and independence of the United States [ with its ] underlying values ​​and institutions [ in intact condition ] ".

Legal foundations and historical development

The statutory provisions for National Security Strategy back to the Goldwater -Nichols Act to reorganize the Department of Defense in 1986. They are firmly established as § 404a in the 50th book of the United States Code and specify the publication period and the content of the report. The NSS are basic strategies that a further concept of security is based and address all security policy, policies and crisis regions. The report is created in a secret and a public version.

According to provisions of each report to the National Security Strategy will include five levels:

In itself, the law requires only an annual security report to Congress, which is presented together with the budget request, and an additional report no later than 150 days after the inauguration of each President. In fact, however, all presidents have the four annual reports as safety policy guideline for their own tenures more weight is assigned as originally intended.

Gained particular importance and notoriety as the " Bush Doctrine " designated National Security Strategy of September 2002, as she was the first in the wake of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 and since the last Quadrennial Defense Review. Prior to publication, the intimations of then-President George W. Bush sparked in speeches and statements regarding possible preventive wars debate, both in the global public as also security observers.
