National Socialist German Lecturers League

The National Socialist German lecturers Bund, also called " NSD covenant" or in short " NSDDB " was a party outline of the NSDAP. He walked out of the National Socialist Teachers' Association and was established in July 1935 under an order of the leader 's deputy Rudolf Hess. Purpose was to influence the universities and the political control of the university teachers. In particular vocations or staffing impact was massively applied. The expulsion of Jewish scientists from the universities was largely driven by the activists of the Federal lecturers.

1938 was one of about a quarter of the German university teachers on the faculty of Nations. Especially in the humanities faculties, the proportion of faculty members federal government was relatively high. Executives to the lecturer covenant were remarkably often relatives ( or graduates ) of medical schools.

Like all Nazi organizations was the NSDDB aligned with the leadership principle. " Empire faculty leader" was the emergence of the institution to June 1944, the surgeon Walter " Bubi " Schultze. For misconduct to the detriment of a party comrades in 1944 he was dismissed by the Nazi Party Court of his duties and replaced by " Empire student leader " Gustav Adolf Scheel. Scheel was also physicians.

Schultze made ​​it clear after taking office in 1935, as he intended to carry out his duties. First, he ordered all party members gather at the high school teachers. For senior positions, so he gave to recognize the Party badge on the lapel is not sufficient alone, this one must also be able to "move opposition to the wall ." In addition to the partisan sentiments, the apparent will and the ability to educate the youth in the National Socialist spirit, should be a key factor in higher education, especially the " race question ." In his inauguration speech for the Reich University of Strasbourg Schultze declared on 23 November 1941, the " culling " everything " un-German " from the " thought world of our people " to the objectives of the university.

To anchor the National Socialist ideology among the faculty, four scientific academies of the NSD Federal had been set up before. They were at the Universities of Giessen, Göttingen, Kiel and Tübingen. The effectiveness of the faculty of Nations was on the one hand limited by the typical for Nazism offices chaos, the imprecise definition of the official Sprengel and competencies. So it was most likely to conflict with the Amt Rosenberg, which all claim the higher education policy as its territory. Ally of NSDDB was in these conflicts often the department Hess.

On the other hand, the effect of NSDDB by the often low status of their leaders was limited to the universities. Many had a reputation of wanting to compensate for lack of scientific reputation and expertise through relevant party overzealousness.

A special kind of scientific education was the so -called " work camp ", which should take the place of the old-style conventions and purposes the spiritual Gleichschaltung of the participants.
