National Wilderness Preservation System

Wilderness Area (English, literally means " wilderness area " ) is a class of protected natural areas in the United States, which are basically unaffected by human intervention should be permanently protected from them. A Wilderness Area is by the U.S. Congress under the Wilderness Act of September 3, 1964 ( Public Law 88-577 ) established. Be managed only large contiguous areas of at least 20 km ² (5000 acre) or islands, which may also be smaller. All Wilderness areas meet the definition of Category I: Strict Nature Reserve / Wilderness Area ( reserve, which is managed mainly for the purpose of research or for the protection of wilderness ) of the World Conservation Union International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources ( IUCN).

There are 757 Wilderness Areas (August 2013), ranging in size from the Pelican Iceland Wilderness, Florida with 2.4 ha to the Wrangell- St Elias National Park, Alaska with 36732.3 km ². They are located in 44 of the 50 U.S. states and Puerto Rico. Depending on the focus of the protection concept and the already existing care of the area before the expulsion can be managed Wilderness Areas of the four government agencies Bureau of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Forest Service and National Park Service.

Unlike national parks, which have a strong tourist importance, Wilderness Areas is common to all, that there are no tourist or other infrastructure. There are no roads, buildings, designated campsites or other facilities. Historical monuments, prehistoric settlements, etc. are a protected status not in the way when they materially dominate the area as a whole not or not. After the expulsion of such buildings may indeed entertain, but not be removed or replaced. Ways to be entertained rudimentary depending on the area.

For ten particularly small and strictly protected Wilderness Areas ( all under the administration of the Fish and Wildlife Service ), there is a restraining order, in the other areas is a natural proper use without vehicles possible. Bicycles, mountain bikes are prohibited, trekking and optionally trail riding and canoeing are the only types of locomotion. In almost all areas, fishing is under the statutory provisions allowed in the territories under the administration of the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service also usually hunting.
