
The Navaja is a pocket knife from Spain.


The Navaja has a straight or slightly curved, single-edged blade. The blade is usually smooth, without medial ridge or hollow ground. At the back of the blade decorative touches are often attached. The Navaja is used in Spain as a traditional pocket knife. It varies - depending on the place of origin - in length, blade shape and design. Almost every city has its own type of knife. Therefore, many versions are named after the city in which they were produced (eg Toledo Navaja, Zaragoza Navaja, etc ). There are so many different styles that it is impossible here to list them all (see pictures under links). There is another, sword- like knife which is called Navaja. It is not to be confused with the Navaja described here. The Navaja is also still used in Spain. A similar, traditional knife exist in Greece (see Greek peasant knife ).
