Nectar guide

As juice times areas are referred to within a flower or flower that influence the behavior of flower visitors. Juice times may be referred to as pollen dummies. For the first time the importance of the juice of Christian Konrad Sprengel times in 1793 has been described. He realized that the juice of times the flower visitors show the way to the nectar. The exact meaning of the juice of times, however, was seen through later and offers plenty of room for evolutionary considerations. Probably the first flower visitors were looking for food, which they found in the form of pollen in the flowers. Later structures that should hide the pollen before voracious flower visitors, to minimize pollen loss incurred. However, the affected plant species had not only disadvantages by such visiting flowers. Pollen was transferred to other flowers, which increased their reproductive success. So in order to continue to attract visitors, had to imitate other elements flowers pollen.

Juice times sat basically in color from the rest of the flower or flower. For the human eye this color difference is, however, often can not be seen because it is based on a UV absorbance of the juice of times.

Today, a large number of such dummies pollen is known. This can be pronounced as two-dimensional or three-dimensional discoloration perfect replicas of stamens.

  • Flower