Neith Nevelson

Neith Nevelson ( born July 24, 1946 in New York City, New York) is an American painter.


Neith Nevelson comes from a Jewish American family of artists. Her father, Myron Mike Nevelson, is a well-known sculptor, and her mother, Susan Nevelson, is an Italian fashion designer. Your paternal grandmother was Louise Nevelson (1899-1988), one of the most important sculptors of the twentieth century. She grew up in Florence, Italy and New York, where her talent was recognized early on, while she learned the painting rather self-taught. Only a short time she studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti Firenze. After her studies she was temporarily assistant to the Spanish painter Salvador Dalí.

In Italy, Neith Nevelson was politically active, but left in 1977 because of a pending process the country. She now lives in Coconut Grove, Miami, Florida.


Neith Nevelson works show traces of Cubism, Expressionism and Surrealism. Her themes are limited to willful female nudes, horses and men heads. Within the American art world, it is attributed to the Art Brut ( Outsider Art ).

Her first exhibition was in 1974 at the Galleria Nuova in Florence instead. This was followed by exhibitions from Florida to New York City, including at the Guggenheim Museum.

T -shirt, hand-painted, 1989

Untitled, undated acrylic on canvas

Neith 's Last Supper Coda, 2006
