Nelson Medina

Nelson Medina (born 1978 ) is an artist from Lima, Perú. His talent was discovered early in his career. As a representation of Medina works is considered the world's most recognized art magazine Revolutionart that promotes, among other works by other independent and famous artists.

Artists from all over the world participate with their contributions to the discussion of global issues such as climate change, economic crisis, Evolution, pandemics, the future of humanity, space and nature. Medina indicates the global trends and motivates the artist to depict the burning issues in their works.

In this magazine interviewing interesting personalities of the art scene until now, for example, Greg Marinovich, Floria Sigismondi, Anthony Hopkins, Paul Matthew, Simone Legno, Matt Mignanelli, Skew Siskin, Jeremyville, Bogdan Żwir, Mark Miremont, Andrzej Dragan, Adhemas Batista, Joey Lawrence, Fernanda Cohen, Brian M. Viveros, Nik Ainley, Jeff Finley and others.
