NEPOMUK (Framework)

NEPOMUK (of English. Networked Environment for Personalized, Ontology -based Management of Unified Knowledge ) is an open -source software specification with the aim to develop a Semantic Desktop, the metadata from various desktop applications collects and networked. Nepomuk is developed by the NEPOMUK project. The cost of the project amounted to 17 million euros, of which 11.5 million were financed by the European Union.


There are currently two implementations of NEPOMUK: A C / KDE - based version and a Java-based variant.


NEPOMUK KDE is one of the newer technologies in KDE 4 It uses the RDF backend Virtuoso and allows associating metadata with different objects on a desktop, such as files, bookmarks, e- mails and calendar entries.


The development of Java - based implementation of NEPOMUK was completed at the end of 2008 as a proof of concept environment for various novel techniques for semantic desktops. It has its own front end ( PSEW ), the searching, browsing, recommendations, and Peer to Peer includes functions. The Java implementation uses the RDF backend Sesame and the Aperture framework for integration with other desktop applications, such as e- mail clients or browsers.

In connection with the implementation of some Java search tools have been developed:

File Formats

  • PIMO describes people, projects, issues, events, etc.
  • NIE describes resources on a desktop (files, mail, etc. )