Neptune's Grotto

The Grotta di Nettuno ( German: Neptune's Grotto ) is a stalactite cave near Alghero in the province of Sassari in Sardinia, near the Capo Caccia.

The cave is located one meter above sea level at the foot of a 110 m high, steep cliff and can only be visited on a calm sea. She's ( German: Rehleiter ) via a 654 step staircase scoring in the almost vertical cliff, the Escala del Cabirol to achieve. Alternatively, you can also participate in a less strenuous tour boat from Alghero or a nearby parking lot.

From the wide- branched, about 4 km long cave system, only a few hundred meters to the public are accessible. Under the leadership can stalactite formations, Kalksinterablagerungen and a small about 120 m long salt water lake connected to the sea, to the public. Declarations made ​​via fixed speaker in Italian and English.
