
Meisenastrild ( N. shelleyi )

Meisenastrilde ( Nesocharis ) are a genus of the family of finches. The three species of this genus all have a gray and olive- yellow plumage coloration with black and white drawing.

Meisenastrilde are tree dwellers, have the top black beaks and live like them closely related Schwärzlinge mainly of insects. Like these, they are native to Africa.


Within the genus of Meisenastrilde the Weißwangenastrild has the largest area of ​​distribution. It ranges from Gambia in West Africa through Nigeria and Cameroon to the southern Sudan. The bird is also found in Uganda and northern Zaire. In contrast, the Halsbandastrild lives only in north-eastern Zaire to Uganda and northern Burundi. Even smaller is the area of ​​distribution of the Meisenastrilds, which occurs in the highlands of Cameroon.


  • Weißwangenastrild ( N. capistrata )
  • Halsbandastrild ( N. ansorgei )
  • Meisenastrild ( N. shelleyi )