Nestor the Chronicler

Nestor (* 1050 in Kiev, † October 27, 1113 ) was a monk ostslawischer and author of the first East Slavic chronicle. Nestor was a monk at the Kiev Pechersk Lavra in his youth. There he was given the task to lead the monastic chronicle. In the 80 years he wrote the " account of the life and setting of the Blessed Leiden carriers Boris and Gleb " and a biography of the monk Theodosius of Kiev.

In 1096, Nestor was a witness to the devastation of the cave monastery.

His main work was 1112-1113, the. "History of recent years " ( altostslawisch Повѣсть временныхъ лѣтъ ), in German-speaking better known under the name of Nestor Chronicle In the first sentence he says the goal of the work: " Here is the story of recent years, such as the Russian land came to the creation, who first was in Kiev prince and how the Russian land is ordered. "

Nestor uses an impressive array of sources: Russian written and oral traditions, convent chronicles, historical collections, the Byzantine Chronicles of John Malalas and George Amartolos, the reports of the boyars - leader Ian Wyschatich, dealer reports, soldiers and craftsmen.

For Nestor the history of Russia is a part of world history from a Christian perspective - the story of the salvation of mankind. The historical reliability and spiritual depth of its history make it an important work of world literature.

After the death of Nestor's chronicle of monks of his monastery was continued. It is often given as the date of death in 1114, as then in force in Kiev Byzantine era had already start on 1 September ( old style), the following year, thus:. October 1113 → 1114 but this is incorrect and overcorrection.
