
In office Neustrelitz country eleven municipalities were merged to perform their administrative business. The Office is located in the district of Mecklenburg Lake District in the south of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and is adjacent to the county Upper Havel. The headquarters is located in the Office do not nationals of Neustrelitz.

The sparsely populated, forest and lake-rich area of the Office Neustrelitz country is dominated agricultural and forestry. Tourism plays an important role in this area of the lake district.

In Hohenzieritz lock the death chamber of the Prussian Queen Luise, born on 10 March 1776 is Princess Luise Auguste Wilhelmine Amalie of Mecklenburg -Strelitz in Hannover - died on July 10, 1810 Castle Hohenzieritz as the Queen of Prussia. A small exhibition gives an insight into the life of the queen.

The municipalities with its districts

  • Blankensee Friedrichsfelde, United Schönfeld, Hoffelde, Neuhof, Rödlin, role Hagen, Wanzka and Watzke village
  • Blumenholz with flowers Hagen, courtyard, Usadel, Weisdin and Wendfeld
  • Carpin with Bergfeld, gold tree, gold Baumer mill Georgenhof, Thurow and Zinow
  • Godendorf with cutting mill, paper mill, and Teerofen Düsterförde
  • Grünow with Olle village
  • Hohenzieritz with Prill Witz and Zippelow
  • Thank small village with Adam, Brustorf, Hartwigsdorf, Liepen and Peckatel
  • Kratzeburg with Dalmsdorf, Dambeck, Granzin, Krienke and Pieverstorf
  • Möllenbeck with Flatow, quad Schönfeld, Stolpe and Warbende
  • Userin with wholesale Quassow, Useriner mill Voßwinkel and Zwenzow
  • Wokuhl - Dabelow with Bartelshof, Brückentin, Carolinenhof, Comthurey, Grammertin, Herzwolde and Wutschendorf


Demmin - Country | Friedland | Malchin on Lake Kummerow | Malchow | Mecklenburg small lakes | Neustrelitz - Country | Neverin | Penzliner Country | Robel -Müritz | Lakelands Goods | Stargarder Country | Stavenhagen | Treptower Tollensewinkel | Woldegk

  • Office in Mecklenburg- Vorpommern
  • County Mecklenburg Lake District