Neva River

River course

The Neva River in Saint Petersburg

The Neva (Russian Нева ) is a 74 km long stream in Russia flowing from Lake Ladoga in the Newabucht the Baltic Sea. It crosses this Saint Petersburg.

The river system of the Neva gets its name although only the last 74 km stretch of river, but drained by the large inflows of Lake Ladoga Volkhov and Svir a very large catchment area. The average water discharge of the Neva from 2,500 m³ / s is higher than the average water discharge of the Rhine.

At night the Neva bridges are opened 2-5 clock, after which there is no longer a connection between various parts of town. In the white nights from late June to mid-July, the passage of convoys is a spectacle that thousands of people, despite the night sleeping all the time.

Bridges on the Neva River main channel:

  • Blagoveshchensky Bridge (formerly Lieutenant Schmidt Bridge )
  • Castle Bridge
  • Troitsky Bridge
  • Liteiny Bridge
  • Bolscheochtinski Bridge
  • Alexander Nevsky Bridge
  • Wolodarski Bridge
  • Large Obuchowski Bridge

The most important river in the arms Newadelta are the Large and Small Neva, and the Great, the middle and the little Nevka.

Made through various channels and waterways navigation links in the direction of the White Sea, Volga River, Caspian Sea, Sea of ​​Azov and the Black Sea.
