Nevada State College

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The Nevada State College is a state college in Henderson, Nevada. The college was founded on 3 September 2002 as the third public university in Nevada and has 66 teachers and about 2200 students. The school colors are black and gold and the school mascot is a Scorpio.

Some degree programs of the College, such as economy, suffered previously at very low enrollment rates. To save costs, recently an undisclosed number of employees was dismissed.

Also concern is the exceptionally low completion rate of the students. By the end of spring 2008 closed over 16 % of full-time students, who had enrolled at the university in the fall of 2002 and 11 % of the freshmen of 2003. Representing one third of the completion rates at public colleges in California. The average six -year graduation rate at colleges in the United States is 57%.
