New Guinean quoll

The spot Quoll ( Dasyurus albopunctatus ) is a Beutelmarderart New Guinea.

The spot Quoll frequently in New Guinea rain forests from an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level before. Males have a body length of 12.3 to 31 cm, a tail length of 21 cm to 29 cm and a body weight of 0.6 to 0.7 kg, while females a body length of 24 27,5 cm, a tail length of have 22 to 28 cm and a body weight of 0.5 kg. The coat is reddish brown with white spots, the tail is hairy relatively short. The first toe is strong. Reproduction is not the season. A litter includes 4 to 6 young.

The spot Quoll is led by the IUCN in the early warning ( near threatened ).
