New Liberal Party (Israel)

Miflaga Libralit Chadasha (Hebrew מפלגה ליברלית חדשה, New Liberal Party ) was a political party in Israel.


As five members of the Likud on March 15, 1990 left during the 12th government the Likud, this Miflaga LeKidum haRajon haZioni founded (Hebrew המפלגה לקִדּוּם הרַעְיוֹן הצִיּוֹנִי, Party for the progress of the Zionist idea). Formerly belonged to those Members Miflaga Liberalit Jisra'elit, which merged in 1988 in the Likud. The new party took part in the government coalition under Yitzhak Shamir, Yitzhak Modai it was appointed Minister of Finance. On June 18, 1990 Avraham Sharir returned to the Likud, as December 4, 1990 also did Yosef Goldberg. In March 1992, shortly before the 1992 elections they chose the party name Miflaga Libralit Chadasha (Hebrew מפלגה ליברלית חדשה, New Liberal Party ). Nevertheless, they received only 0.6 % of the vote, did not reach the 1.5% hurdle and not entered the Knesset.
