New Youth (Xin Qingnian)

The New Youth (新 青年Chinese, Pinyin Xīnqīngnián ) was an influential Chinese revolutionary magazine in the 1920s. She played an important role in the May 4th Movement.

It was first published from September 15, 1915 by Chen Duxiu in Shanghai under the name of ' youth '. In January 1917 the location was moved to Beijing. Editors were next to Chen Duxiu, Qian Xuantong, Gao Yihan, Hu Shi, Li Dazhao, Shen Yinmo, and Lu Xun. The New Youth spoke in favor of science and democracy, and for a modern standard Chinese language.

Influenced by the Russian October Revolution of 1917, the magazine increasingly propagated the philosophy of Marxism. From September 1920, the magazine was a propaganda organ of the Communist Party of China. It was closed in 1926. The New Youth influenced in its early days many later leaders of the CCP.

  • Political magazine
  • Magazine (China)
  • Antiquarian magazine
  • First publication in 1915
  • Posted in 1926