Nicholas Dunlop

Nicholas Dunlop is Secretary General of the e-Parliament, democracy promoters and council member of the World Future Council.

About the person

Nicholas Dunlop is co-founder and Secretary General of the e-Parliament, an initiative that connects the democratically elected Parliament and Congress members in the world to a global forum. Previously, he was Secretary General of the Organization Parliamentarians for Global Action. In 1984, he coordinated the start of the Six Nations Peace Initiative, zuammenkam for a group of leaders on the subject of nuclear weapons. In 1987 he was one of two winners of the first Indira Gandhi Prize for peace and development. More recently, he was Executive Director of Earth Action, a global network of more than 2,000 organizations in 160 countries. Nicholas Dunlop is a citizen of Ireland and New Zealand and lives in Kent, England. Since the spring of 2007 he is also council member of the launched by Jakob von Uexküll World Future Council.

