Nicholas F. Brady

Nicholas Frederick Brady ( born April 11, 1930 in New York City ) is a retired American politician of the Republican Party. He represented the State of New Jersey in the U.S. Senate and was the United States Treasury under Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush. He became famous for the design of the so-called Brady Plan in March 1989.

He received his education at Yale University with a Bachelor of Arts ( 1952) and then at Harvard University with an MBA (1954). He and his wife, Katherine, have four children.

Brady's political career began when he was appointed U.S. Senator for New Jersey to fill the vacancy that was created by the resignation of Senator Harrison A. Williams again. A post he held only briefly, on April 20, 1982 to December 27, 1982, where he sought no re-election. During his time in the Senate, he served as a member of the Armed Services Committee.

In 1984, President Reagan appointed him chairman of a Presidential Commission (Commission on Executive, Legislative and Judicial Salaries ). He also worked with at the Presidential Commission for strategic forces (1983 ), the National bipartisan Commission on Central America ( also 1983), the Commission on Security and Economic Support (1983 ) and the so-called Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Management ( 1985). He also chaired the Presidential Task Force on Market Mechanisms ago (1987).

Brady was born on 15 September 1988, the 68th United States Treasury Secretary. In 1989, following a number of years in which many developing countries, their international debts could not be paid ( including the partner of the United States, Mexico ), he developed the so-called Brady plan in order to help developing countries, dollar-denominated bonds ( Brady bonds ) to sell internationally.

Brady's career in banking sector covers a period of 34 years. During this time he joined in 1954 Dillon, Read and Company, Inc. in New York, whose chairman he was promoted. He was also, among others, director of NCR Corporation, the MITRE Corporation and the HJ Heinz Company. Brady is also the founder and chairman of Darby Overseas Investments, Ltd.. , Washington DC, mutual fund, which was established in 1994.

He also served as a trustee at the Rockefeller University in New York and was a member of the Board of the Economic Club of New York.
