Nicholasville, Kentucky

Jessamine County


Nicholasville is the fourteenth largest city in the U.S. state of Kentucky, and the county seat of Jessamine County.

The city, which was named after George Nicholas, an attorney general, had in the census of 2000 19.680 inhabitants. 2004, they started with an estimate of 22 878 inhabitants. The city covers an area of ​​22 km ².

Nicholasville has 93,05 % inhabitants Caucasians, African-Americans take 2nd place with 4.38 % a. The rest represent members of other ethnic groups. 40 % of residents are 24 years old or younger; the average age is 31 years.

The annual average income of the 7,370 households is $ 37,462. 11.5 % of the population live below the poverty line.

An important economic partner of Nicholasville is Lexington.

  • Place in Kentucky
  • Location in North America
  • Jessamine County
  • County Seat in Kentucky