Nicocles (Salamis)

Nicocles, ancient Greek Νικοκλής, († probably 362-358 BC) was for 374/373 BC, king of ancient city-state of Salamis in Cyprus. As the successor to his father Evagoras I. He continued his Philhellenic policy; nevertheless already found themselves at him approaches Hellenistic domination and forms of life. For the polis Greeks, however, he seemed to be " oriental degenerate", which is why Isocrates he devoted three educational speeches. Nicocles died probably connected with the Phoenician king Strato of Sidon during the Satrapenaufstandes (362 bis 359/358 BC); as ruler of Salamis was succeeded by his alleged son of Evagoras II


  • Politicians ( ancient Greece)
  • King ( Salamis )
  • Greek ( Ancient )
  • Born on the 5th or 4th century BC
  • Died in the 4th century BC
  • Man