Nicole Berline

Nicole Berline ( born 1944 ) is a French mathematician.

Berline studieret 1963-1966 normal at the École supérieure de jeunes filles and was 1966/67, as an exchange student at the Lomonosov University in Moscow. From 1967 she taught at the ENS de Jeunes Filles, and from 1971 she conducted research for the CNRS ( attaché de recherches ). In 1974 she received her doctorate at the University of Paris by Jacques Dixmier ( Ideaux Primitifs dans les algebres enveloppantes ). 1976/77 she was a visiting professor at the University of California, Berkeley. In 1977 she became a professor at the University of Rennes 1, and since 1984 she teaches at the Ecole Polytechnique.

It deals with index sets of elliptic operators modeled on the Atiyah-Singer index theorem and symplectic geometry.

She has four sons.


  • With Ezra Getzler, Michèle Vergne Heat Kernels and Dirac Operators, basic teachings of Mathematical Sciences 298, Springer Verlag 1992, 2004