Nicole Brandebusemeyer

Nicole Brandebusemeyer ( born October 9, 1974 in Georgsmarienhütte ) is a former German football player.

Nicole Brandebusemeyer played for the Green-White Brauweiler. In 1991 she was champion Lower Saxony, in 1997 German high school champion. 1997 became their most successful year at club level. She became German champion, Cup winner and Supercup champion and defeated with the selection of the Middle Rhine only in the final of the National Cup against the selection of Hesse.

In the German national team's defensive player Brandebusemeyer was first appointed on 5 February 1998 against Italy. It belonged to the Germany squad for the 1999 World Cup in the USA, came here but not used. My eighth and last match they played on 19 September as part of the Sydney Olympic Games, when she appeared as a substitute in a 1-0 victory in the final group game for Maren Meinert. With the German team won the bronze medal.
