Niels Krabbe

Niels Kaare Krabbe ( born July 1, 1951 in Frederikshavn, Denmark ) is a Danish ornithologist and conservationist.

Life and work

Niels Krabbe first worked for many years as a bird ringers in Denmark and then several years in Israel, where he worked as a preparator at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 1988 he graduated from the University of Copenhagen in biology, geography and geology of Master of Arts. In 1995 he received his PhD at the same university for Ph.D.. Crab operation ornithological field work in remote areas of Asia, Africa and North America. For many years he studied the bird life in the little known regions of the Andes. He watched new and rare taxa, collected and prepared Skins and manufactured to tape recordings. The majority of the many thousands gathered Skins and tissue samples preserved in the Zoological Museum of Copenhagen.

After the completion of his collaboration with Jon Fjeldså published in 1990 book Birds of the high Andes, he worked for a year at BirdLife International. In 1992, he wrote for the book Threatened Birds of the Americas, most articles on the endangered birds of the Andes. In 1998 he was co-founder of the organization " Fundación Jocotoco ", which aims to buy habitats for endangered bird species in Ecuador and obtain. He is also a member of the " Fundación ProAves ", organized by the conservation projects in Colombia. In the same year he founded the " projectors Ognorhynchus " to protect the last known population of the Yellow-eared Conure in Colombia to life. Crab succeeded 1998, the rediscovery of Pale head Buschammer ( Atlapetes pallidiceps ) and 2004 of the Grünmusketiers ( Coeligena orina ), an endangered hummingbird from Colombia, which was over 50 years to be lost.

Krabbe's scientific work in Ecuador led to a revision of the genus Tapaculo Scytalopus. Among the taxa described by him include the reins spot Ameisenpitta ( Grallaria ridgelyi ), the brown back - ants panties ( Myrmotherula fjeldsaai ), the Foothill Olivtyrann ( Myiopagis olallai ), the Chocótapaculo ( Scytalopus chocoensis ), the Bambustapaculo ( Scytalopus parkeri ), the Robbinstapaculo ( Scytalopus robbinsi ) Magdalenatapaculo ( Scytalopus rodriguezi ) and the Stilestapaculo ( Scytalopus stilesi ). In 2006, he discovered in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in the Colombian department of Magdalena, a new hitherto undescribed Kreischeulenart.

Since 2000, crab works both as a curator at the Zoological Museum in Copenhagen and on the other it continues its conservation and research in Ecuador and Colombia.

Writings (selection )
