Nikolai Sorokin

Nikolai Sorokin Jewgenjewitsch (Russian Николай Евгеньевич Сорокин; * February 15, 1952 in the settlement Kasatschi, Rajon Wesjoly, Rostov Oblast, RSFSR, † March 26, 2013 in Rostov-on- Don, Russia) was a Russian and Soviet- Russian theater and film actor, director, theater educator and politician. He was Artistic Director and Director of the Rostov Academic Maxim Gorki Theater. Him the title " People's Artist of Russia" was awarded in 1999.


In 1975, Sorokin graduated from the Rostov art school where he received acting lessons by Mikhail Buschtnow, and then worked at the Rostov Gorky Theatre. In 1984 he obtained a degree in acting and directing at the Gitis, the Russian Academy of Theatre Arts, his drama teacher there was Elina Bystritskaya. Then he returned to Rostov Theater, where he continued his work as an actor and as a director.

In 1996, Nikolai Sorokin Artistic Director of the Rostov Academic Maxim Gorki Theater, from 2007 onwards, theater director.

From 1999 to 2003 he was deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, first as a member of the Group of pro-Putin list "unity", and later as a member of the party " United Russia ". During this time he was deputy chairman of the Committee on Culture and Tourism.

From 2004 to 2012, he trained in the Rostov branch of the State University of Arts and Culture Saint Petersburg actor.

Nikolai Sorokin devoted to the Rostov theater forty years of his life. As an actor he represented over a hundred characters, as director, he has created numerous stage productions, also had success overseas.

Sorokin was married to Tamara Sorokina Alexandrovna, with whom he had a daughter. Nikolai Sorokin died on March 26, 2013 in Rostov-on- Don.

Theater work (selection)

Theater work as an actor (roles)

  • Alexander - in the latest (Russian Последние ) by Maxim Gorky
  • Makar Nagulnov - in Virgin Soil Upturned (Russian Поднятая целина ) by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov
  • Tarakh Khlynov - in Heated Heart (Russian Горячее сердце ) by Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky
  • Petr Verhovensky - in The Dictatorship of Conscience (Russian Диктатура совести ) by Mikhail Filippowitsch Shatrov
  • Prince Khworostinin - in Tsar Fyodor Joannowitsch (Russian Царь Фёдор Иоаннович ) by Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy
  • Michel Staro - in The Secret of the house Vernier ( original title: Le secret de la maison Vernier, russ Тайна дома Вернье ) by Robert Toma
  • Jermolaj LoPachin - in The Cherry Orchard (Russian Вишнёвый сад ) by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
  • Alexei Mikhailovich - I came in to bring you the freedom (Russian Я пришёл дать вам волю ) by Vasily Makarovich Schukschin
  • Matthias - in The Threepenny Opera (Russian Трёхгрошовая опера ) by Bertolt Brecht
  • Jack - in Everything in the Garden (Russian Все в саду ) by Edward Olbi
  • King Richard III. - In Richard III (Russian Ричард III) by William Shakespeare
  • Joseph Stalin - in more ... more ... more! (Russian Дальше ... дальше ... дальше! ) by Mikhail Shatrov
  • Antonio Salieri - in Mozart and Salieri (Russian Моцарт и Сальери ) by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
  • Alexei Kaledins - in Честь имею (I have the honor ) by Yevgeny Alekseyevich Kornilov
  • Nero - in Theater der Zeit Nero and Seneca (Russian Театр времён Нерона и Сенеки ) by Edward Stanislavovich Radsinski
  • Famusow - in grief of soul (Russian Горе от ума ) by Alexander Sergeyevich Griboyedov
  • The Court Jester - in King Lear (Russian Король Лир ) by William Shakespeare
  • Boris Godunov - in Boris Godunov (Russian Борис Годунов ) by Alexander Pushkin
  • Xanthos - in The Fox and the Grapes (Russian Лиса и виноград ) of Guillerme Figueiredo
  • Fyodor Karamazov - in the matter Karamazov (Russian Дело Карамазовых ) by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky

Work in the theater as a director

At Rostov Academic Maxim Gorki Theater

  • The trap ( Original title: Piège pour un homme seul, russ Ловушка ) by Robert Toma
  • A somewhat strange lady ( Original title: The Curious Savage, Russ Странная миссис Сэвидж ) by John Patrick
  • Честь имею ( Titelübers.: I have the honor) by Yevgeny Alekseyevich Kornilov
  • The Bourgeois Gentleman (Russian Мещанин во дворянстве ) by Molière
  • California Suite (Russian Калифорнийская сюита ) by Neil Simon
  • Wassa Schelesnowa (Russian Васса Железнова ) by Maxim Gorky
  • Bel -Ami (Russian Милый друг ) by Guy de Maupassant
  • The wise in love (Russian Влюблена, умна, хитра = Хитроумная влюблённая ) by Lope de Vega
  • A lesson for the daughters (Russian Урок дочкам ) by Ivan Krylov
  • The Inspector General (Russian Ревизор ) by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol
  • The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Burattino (Russian Буратино ) by Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy
  • Quartet (Russian Квартет ) by Ronald Harwood
  • Tigran the Great (Russian Тигран Великий ) of Ara Gevorkowitsch Gevorkyan
  • The Court Jester Balakirev (Russian Шут Балакирев ) of Grigory Petrovich Israeli Gorin
  • Fate of a Man (Russian Судьба человека ) ​​by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov
  • On the busiest place (Russian На бойком месте ) by Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky
  • The misery of soft heart (Russian Беда от нежного сердца, 1850) by Vladimir Alexandrovich Sollogub
  • The Cherry Orchard (Russian Вишнёвый сад ) by Anton Chekhov
  • The Three Musketeers (Russian Три мушкетёра ) by Alexandre Dumas
  • The year 1812. Marshal Kutuzov (Russian 1812 - й год. Фельдмаршал Кутузов ) by Vladimir Aleksandrovich Soloviev
  • New Year's show: champagne splashes (Russian Новогоднее шоу Брызги шампанского ) by Nikolai Sorokin (17 annual performances from 1997 to 2013 )

The Bulgarian Ivan Radoew Theatre in Pleven

  • Wassa Schelesnowa of Maxim Gorky


Title and Awards

  • Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1988 )
  • People's Artist of Russia (1999)
  • Order of Friendship (1996 )
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, Second Class (2002)
  • Medal « Благотворитель » ( benefactor ) (2009 )
  • Order of Merit for the Rostov Oblast (2012 )