
Nitibe ( Nítibe ) is a town in the subdistrict of East Timorese enclave of Oecusse in Nitibe.

The place

Nitibe located in Suco Usitaco, about 21 km southwest of the district capital Pante Macassar, 641 meters above the sea. Here are a helipad, a medical station and a primary school, the Escola Primaria Nitibe ( Fatubena ). Nitibe has the status of Aldeia.

The subdistrict

Nitibe divided into five Sucos: Banafi, Beneufe ( Bene - Ufe, Bebe Ufe ), Lelaufe ( Lela Ufe ), Suniufe ( Suni Ufe ) and Usitaco ( Uzzi Taco ). After the elections 2004/2005 was Miguel Busan head of the subdistrict. Capital is the coastal town Citrana in Suco Beneufe.

The sub-district has 11,366 inhabitants Nitibe (2010, 2004: 11,052 ). The largest language group consists of the speakers of Atoni dialect of the national language Baikeno. The average age is 18.0 years ( 2010, 2004: 18.8 years ).

68 % of households in Nitibe have coconut trees, 69 % grow cassava, rice 76%, as many corn, 68 % vegetables and 14% coffee.

Five kilometers off the coast of the sub-district Nitibes at Citrana is the island of Fatu Sinai ( Batek ), which is still disputed between Indonesia and East Timor. Likewise, an area in Naktuka.


In September 2009, a group of Indonesian soldiers drove into the East Timorese village Naktuka ( Suco Beneufe ) and started to take pictures of newly constructed buildings. They were thrown out by the inhabitants, and unceremoniously sent back across the border. On 26 May 2010 penetrated 28 armed soldiers of the armed forces of Indonesia in Beneufe and sat in Naktuka their flag, one kilometer from the border. On 29 May 2010, they destroyed the two houses of two social institutions in Suco. On June 24, again urged an armed unit of the Indonesian army kilometer to the area of Naktuka, but withdrew when they encountered a unit of the East Timorese border police. Residents see a connection with the unclear boundaries between countries. This was the most serious incident between the two countries since independence of East Timor in 2002. On March 4, 2011 injured Indonesian soldiers again the border and expelled residents from the disputed strip of land. On October 28, 2011 Indonesian troops fired on East Timorese who had crossed the border illegally with a car.
