Nobeyama Radio Observatory


The Nobeyama Radio Observatory (abbreviated. NGOs, English for Japanese野 辺 山 宇宙 电波 観 测 所, Nobeyama Uchū Dempa kansokujo ) is a radio observatory in Minamimaki, Japan.

The Nobeyama Radio Observatory is a branch of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. The Observatory operates three radio telescopes at a site 1350 meters:

  • A telescope for radio waves down to 2 mm wavelength, with a reflector diameter of 45 m.
  • A radio interferometer for millimeter waves 3-1 mm wavelength from 6 antennas with 10 m diameter reflector.
  • A radio heliograph for radio observations of the sun.

NGOs also operates Very Long Baseline Interferometry, including the use of satellite HALCA. A participation in the Atacama Large Millimeter Array is sought.
