Noémi Kiss

Noemi Kiss ( * 1974 in Gödöllő ) is a Hungarian writer, whose works have been translated into German, English and Serbian. In Germany it is considered one of the most important Hungarian young writer.

Kiss studied Hungarian Studies, Comparative Literature and Sociology at the University of Miskolc and since 2000 there is also a research fellow in the Comparative Literature. She received her PhD in 2003 with a thesis Paul Celan (entitled. Határhelyzetek Paul Celan költészete és magyar recepciója ) and spent part of their doctoral work two years at the University of Konstanz. In addition to her books published Kiss individual stories, poems and essays in part to German and works as an editor for the magazine Új Holnap.

Kiss domiciled in Budapest and in 2010 the mother of twins since the beginning. From December 2013 to May 2014 she resides as Writer in Residence at the Literature House Zurich and the PWG Foundation in Zurich.


  • Tájgyakorlatok. József Attila body Kijárat Kiadó 2003
  • Határhelyzetek. Paul Celan költészete és magyar recepciója. Anonymous 2003
  • Trans Magvető 2006 German edition: Agnes Relle ( translator ): What happened while we were asleep. Matthes & Seitz Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-88221-743-8