Nor Carangas Province

- 17.933333333333 - 67.45Koordinaten: 17 ° 56 ' S, 67 ° 27 ' W

Nor Carangas is a province in the northern part of the Oruro Department in the South American Andes State of Bolivia.


The Nor Carangas province is one of sixteen provinces in the Oruro Department. It lies between 17 ° 46 'and 18 ° 09' south latitude and between 67 ° 13 ' and 67 ° 41 ' west longitude.

It is bordered on the north by the department of La Paz, on the west by the province of San Pedro de Totora, to the south by the province Carangas, on the southeast by the province Saucarí, and on the northeast by the province of Cercado.

The province extends from northwest to southeast, with a length of 70 km and an average width of 25 kilometers.


The population of the province of Nor Carangas has risen slightly over the past two decades:

The most important idiom of the province is Aymara, spoken by 96 percent of the population, Spanish ( 84 percent) and Quechua ( 14 percent).

99.7 percent of the population have no access to electricity, 98.7 percent have no sanitary facilities (1992).

84.5 percent of the working population is employed in agriculture, 0.1 percent in mining, 3.1 percent in industry, 12.3 percent in the service sector ( 2001).

80 percent of the population is Catholic, 15 percent are Protestant (1992).

Further data on the population can be found in the description of the municipality Huayllamarca (see below).


The province consists of only a single county ( bolivian: Municipio):

  • Municipio Huayllamarca