Nora Kershaw Chadwick

Nora Kershaw Chadwick (born 28 January 1891 in Lancashire, † April 24, 1972 in Cambridge ) was a British scholar who had the traditional literature ( folk literature ) prescribed.


Chadwick studied at Cambridge University and taught after graduating from the University of St. Andrews in the First World War. In 1919 she continued her studies (Old and Old Norse languages) in Cambridge continues with Professor Hector Munro Chadwick, whom she married in 1922. Your home in Cambridge was a literary meeting place, even after the death of her husband in 1947.

She received honorary doctorates from the University of Wales, the National University of Ireland and the University of St Andrews. In 1961 she was CBE.


She worked with her husband, Hector Munro Chadwick, on a multi-volume survey of oral traditions and oral poetry. The Growth of Literature was published by Cambridge University Press 1932-1940. A revised together with Viktor Schirmunski version of a part of the third band of The Growth of Literature for the epic poetry of the Turkic peoples of Central Asia, published in 1969 as Oral Epics of Central Asia.

Another narrow, but important work - Poetry and Prophecy of 1942 - examines the relationships between poetry and prophecy.

Chadwick also wrote about the history of Celtic Britain and Brittany ( Britannia Major, Britannia Minor) and collaborated among others with Myles Dillon and Kenneth H. Jackson. 1949 appeared to her Early Scotland, 1965, she published The colonization of Brittany from Celtic Britain.

Writings (selection )

A complete list can be found in: A list of the published writings of Hector Munro Chadwick and Nora Kershaw Chadwick of his wife, Cambridge 1971.

  • The Growth of Literature: Volume 1: The Ancient Literatures of Europe, 1932
  • Volume 2: Russian Oral Literature, Yugoslav Oral Poetry, Early Indian Literature, Early Hebrew Literature, 1936
  • Volume 3: The Oral Literature of the Tatars, Polynesia ..., ... the Sea Dyaks of North Borneo, ... some African peoples: a general survey, 1940
  • English edition: The Celtic realms. London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1967