Norberto Bobbio

Norberto Bobbio ( born October 18, 1909 in Turin, † January 9, 2004 ) was an Italian philosopher of law and publicist.


Norberto Bobbio - son of a surgeon - attended from 1919 to 1927 Massimo d' Azeglio high school in Turin and then studied at the University of Turin Law. Here he received his doctorate in 1931 with a thesis on the philosophy of law. From 1932 to 1932 sat Bobbio his studies at the Universities of Marburg and Turin continued. A second dissertation in philosophy, he wrote on Edmund Husserl.

1935 Norberto Bobbio was arrested because of his membership in the anti-fascist group Giustizia e Libertà (Justice and Liberty) together with his friends Vittorio Foa, Giulio Einaudi and Cesare Pavese for a short time. In 1942 he joined the Partito d' Azione illegal at that time, which emerged as Action Party from the Giustizia e Libertà and for which he appeared after the Second World War as a candidate.

From 1939 to 1940 Bobbio taught at the University of Siena and then to 1948 at the University of Padua, where he became a professor. 1948 Norberto Bobbio was appointed to the chair of Philosophy of Law at the University of Turin, where he taught until his retirement in 1979. 1972 moved Bobbio to the Chair of Political Science, and from 1973 to 1976 he was the dean of the faculty.

1943 married Norberto Bobbio and Valeria Cova ( born September 1, 1917 in Perugia, † April 22, 2001 in Turin). The marriage produced sons Luigi Bobbio (1944 ), who works as a political scientist in Italy, Andrea Bobbio ( * 1947 ) and Marco Bobbio (* 1951).

Political position

Norberto Bobbio has researched and published on the theory of democracy, human rights, politics and law. He described himself and his school as " liberal socialism " in contrast to the left-wing liberalism, to social democracy and socialism.


Works (selection)

  • Studi sulla teoria generale del diritto, 1955
  • Politica e cultura, 1955
  • Teoria della norma giuridica, 1958
  • Teoria dell'ordinamento giuridico, 1960
  • Giusnaturalismo e positivismo giuridico, 1965
  • Since Hobbes a Marx: di storia della filosofia saggi, 1965
  • Diritto e stato nel pensiero di Emanuele Kant, 1969
  • Saggi sulla politica in Italia scienza, 1969
  • Studi per una teoria generale del diritto, 1970
  • Una filosofia militant, 1971
  • German: The Future of Democracy. Six essays, Translator Sophie G. Alf, Red Book, Berlin 1988, ISBN 3-88022-732-2
  • German: The Age of Human Rights: Is tolerance enforceable, Translator Ulrich Hausmann, epilogue Otto Kallscheuer, Wagenbach, Berlin 1998, ISBN 3-8031-2358-5?
  • German: Right and Left: the reasons and meanings of a political distinction, Translator Moshe Kahn, Wagenbach, Berlin 1994, ISBN 3-8031-2311-9
  • German: from age. De senectute, 1996