Norberto Ramírez

Norberto Ramírez Áreas (* 1800 Leon (Nicaragua ); † July 11, 1856 ibid ) was a lawyer, of 23 September 1840 to the January 7, 1841 Director Supremo of the province of El Salvador. and from April 1, 1849 - April 1, 1851 Director Supremo of Nicaragua.


A revolt on September 20, 1840, the garrison of San Salvador, headed by Francisco Malespín, forced Ramírez predecessor Antonio José Cañas to resign. Malespín had tried to govern by Cañas, which did not allow this. José Damián Villacorta had After rejecting the Office of the Supreme Directors, Ramírez took over the government. On December 10, 1840, was in Santiago Nonualcoeinen uprising of the Indians under Petronilo Castro, which was put down by government troops. On January 7, 1841 Ramírez entrusted the office of the Director Surpemo to Juan Lindo.

Norberto Ramírez was the father of Mercedes Ramírez de Meléndez, whose sons Carlos and Jorge Meléndez later Meléndez dynasty founded.

As which later led to the Clayton - Bulwer Treaty Supremo Director of Nicaragua from 1849 to 1851, signed agreements.
