Normanton Down Barrows

Normanton Down is a 0.5 km ² large burial mound from the Neolithic and early Bronze Age. It is located south of the A303 ( road) and one kilometer south of Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England.

The Normanton Down Group is next to the Winterbourne Stoke - group as one of the most important cemeteries in the country. The field consists of three long hills, a containment and 38 round hills ( Barrows ) different shape. 25 of them are so -called Bowl Barrows, seven are disc Barrows, five are Bell Barrows (one a double - Barrow ) and a is a Saucerbarrow. One of the hills of Normanton Down is that of " Sir Richard Colt Hoare " and " William Cunnington " in 1808 excavated Bush Barrow, a grave mounds of the Bronze Age Wessex culture of 15 m in diameter and about 2.5 m in height, in which, inter alia, the "Bush Barrow- hash " ( engl. lozenge ) was found. In a men's grave from the time of BC, in which three daggers and a spearhead of bronze, the rest of a shield, a belt hook, bone tools, a club head made ​​of stone and another Goldlozenge were found long 1900-1700 as further additions. 1882 a similar gold diamond was near Maiden Castle the Clandon Barrow - diamond, found.

Many of the other grave mound also contained grave goods including pendants and beads of amber, gold and slate, daggers, needles and vessels of bronze, a perforated swan bone, which could be a flute, and rings from lignite.
