Northern ghost bat

The American ghost bat Diclidurus albus is a white bat species, which is native to the tropics of Central and South America.


Diclidurus albus is next to the white bat is the only bat species whose fur is completely white. The Latin species name albus meaning " white " and refers to the color of the coat. Flight skin is pigmented, but appears due to the many blood vessels pink. The face is almost hairless. Adult animals weighing 17-24 g

Way of life

Over the life of Diclidurus albus is very little known. Throughout the year the animals live mostly solitary, dividing them into groups of up to four animals in January and February - usually one male with several females - come together. During the day, hang individual animals under palm leaves, where they are amazingly well camouflaged because of their white color. It is assumed that predators the animals perceive as gaps in the leaf, the sun shines through, or they confuse the bat with a nest of paper wasps of the genus Polybia. Like all Straight Nose free tails is also Diclidurus albus a pure insectivores. The food flights take place high above the canopy, which is why this type is hardly captured in ground-level nets.


Pairings are likely to find place in January and February, when males and females are found together on hillside locations. Each with a young pregnant females were caught from January to June so it is expected that Diclidurus albus is monöstrisch.

Distribution and habitat

The proliferation of Diclidurus albus ranges from Mexico through Central America to Brazil and Trinidad. Your stock is classified as stable and unthreatened by the IUCN due to the wide distribution.
