Norwegian parliamentary election, 1973

  • SV: 16
  • DnA: 62
  • Sp: 21
  • KrF: 20
  • Otherwise:. 3
  • H: 29
  • ALP: 4

The parliamentary election in Norway 1973 was held on 10 September 1973. It was the choice for the 51st Storting.

In some local authorities could also be adapted on September 9. The turnout was 80.2 percent. There were to be allocated 155 seats, five more than in the previous elections. The additional mandates were awarded in Oslo and Akershus.

One year before the Stortingswahl was conducted on 24 and 25 September 1972, a referendum on Norway's accession to the EEC. 53.5 percent voted no. Prime Minister Trygve Bratteli (Ap) announced the resignation of his government in this case. On October 18, 1972, a three centrist coalition of Christian People's Party, center and Venstre Lars took over under Korvald the government. The pro-European Høyre you stayed away. Against the one-sided orientation of the Eurosceptic government Korvald rebelled the majority of Venstre deputies. At a party congress they split from the wings to Europe and founded Det nye Folkeparti, which took 1973 election.

The Labour Party had to cope with losses of over 10 percentage points. Strong gains recorded by the Eurosceptic parties Sosialistisk Folkeparti and Kristelig Folkeparti. Det nye Folkeparti could only get a single MP to Parliament. Venstre, Norway's oldest party, was brought to the brink of existence as a result of the dispute direction and saved only two seats. New element in the political landscape was the " Anders Lange Party for a strong return of taxes, levies and government regulation " (ALP ), whose name was program ( from 1977 Fremskrittspartiet ).

In the Storting, this resulted in a social democratic- socialist majority of one vote. Trygve Bratteli formed his second government.

Election result
